Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Unfortunately I have no picture to accompany this, but I thought I would let you all know that my child just pooped on the carpet right by our bed. John was getting out of bed and almost stepped in it. I tried really hard to get a pic, but the battery was dead and then John cleaned it up before I could charge it. so gross. and don't worry, the smell made me gag and go running for the toilet. just another day...


Becky, Ryan, Oliver, Amelie, and Nora said...

Oh my gosh, I can't count how many times this has happened. Ollie used to have a really bad diaper rash so i would have to air it out. Guaranteed he would either poop or pee during that time, so gross. And it was never solid, even better. And he chews our table, might as well have a dog. Still time for Hawaii...

Magen said...

are you guys going to hawaii? i feel out of the loop. today my dog pooped in my room...i think he hates me and he know it makes me really mad.

Brooke said...

um I seriously laughed so hard when I heard this. why don't you get a dog if your kid is gonna poop on the floor, and right next to the bed - classic. awesome as always. Thanks baby john!

Cronin Family said...

Hey Courtney! So I found your blog off of Robbie's and thought I would say hey... I really wish you got a shot of the poop! Kids are great.